Saturday, October 30, 2010

Getting traffic to your trading posts

Once you start level two trading, the question becomes, how to do I get traffic to my trading posts?  There are a number of good ways to start your level two career off.

1) Make a free blog on a site like or Wordpress.  These sites are SEO optimized and will get you out to the search engines.  Be sure to put labels in your blog posts that people are searching for regarding freebie trading.  Have good information on the industry in posts.

2) Make promotional and informational videos on freebie trading with links to your trading posts.

3) Make use of your forum signature.  Post pictures if you are allowed and links to your trading posts.

4) Be active on the forums you are involved in regarding freebie trading.  High posts counts show new traders that you are active on the site, as well as get your signature with links out to the masses.

5) Be active on facebook and other sites, and share with your friends and family how you've made money.  Offer to get them started in the freebie trading world.

6) When you go green as a level 1 trader, be sure to go green on sites that are reputable, have many offers to choose from, have good gifts to choose from with low referral requirements, and that have low green requirements with offers worth high credits.  Ex.  Don't go green on sites where you need 1 credit, and each offer is only worth .10 credits.  Sites with 1 credit requirement with offers worth 1 or .5 or even .25 credits are better and easier to go green on, and will be better for you and your referrals.

7) Offer high payouts to referrals.  The general rule of thumb on cash payouts is that you need to offer at least half.  If you are getting $20 then offer $10.  Most people offer more than half once they start making good money.

8) Offer monthly deals.  Some traders offer higher payouts on certain sites different months of the year.

9) Be available to referrals for help.  Offer them your IM so you can walk them through the process if they need help.  This is especially important for new referrals.

10) Be creative in advertising.  Write articles all over the internet about your freebie trading blog, post ads in Craigslist for free, or in other free advertising sites online.  Once you start making good money you might even consider putting cheap ads in the local paper.

1 comment:

  1. is the great website and it is truly a prissy way to advantage any day along with the freebies finished your entree.
