Please note that we do not accept all advertisement requests. We do not accept advertisements with profanity, nudity, racial or other discrimination or hate language,or other derogatory material. We reserve the right to refuse advertising to anybody for any reason.
Pricing for a 140 x 140 pixel advertisement displayed in the right side bar on every page:
1 Month - $10
2 Months - $19 (Save $1)
3 Months - $28 (Save $2)
4 Months - $37 (Save $3)
5 Months - $46 (Save $4)
6 Months - $55 (Save $5)
7 Months - $64 (Save $6)
8 Months - $73 (Save $7)
9 Months - $82 (Save $8)
10 Months - $91 (Save $9)
11 Months - $100 (Save $10)
12 Months - $105 (Save $15)
Larger advertisements placed at the footer of the Blog on every page start at $15 a month and also receive a $3 discount for every extra month purchased together.
Footer advert pricing
1 Month - $15
2 Months - $27 (Save $3)
3 Months - $39 (Save $6)
4 Months - $51 (Save $9)
5 Months - $63 (Save $12)
6 Months - $75 (Save $15)
7 Months - $87 (Save $18)
8 Months - $99 (Save $21)
9 Months - $111 (Save $24)
10 Months - $123 (Save $27)
11 Months - $135 (Save $30)
12 Months - $147 (Save $33)
To make a request to advertise with us, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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