We pay for each green, paid directly to your PayPal account just as soon as it is verified that you went green.
To trade with Jessica, view her post on Calistyle101 HERE, or trade with her on freebie society HERE.
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Please Note:
You must contact one of us via IM on one of the above forums before you go green. When you contact Jessica or Scott and tell us you want a trade on a specific site, we send you a link with our referral number. If you don't use a link with our referral number, we can't pay you because it doesn't credit to one of our accounts. Be sure to send one of us an IM first so we can send you a trade agreement in the forums. Trade agreements act as receipts and gives all parties involved recourse if something goes wrong.
About Us:
About Jessica: Jessica is a 24 year old married college student in Oregon. She is a mother of one beautiful 2-year-old daughter and one beautiful 12 year old stepdaughter. She uses her earnings from freebie trading to help pay bills, and donate to charity.
IM Jessica at rae_knight79 on Yahoo IM.
About Scott: Scott is a married father of two boys ages 7 and 8 from Minnesota. He has been using freebie trading for over 3 years to pay bills and support his family.
IM Scott at scz7171 on Yahoo IM.